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Guava Red & White :- There are many nutrients present in it, which protect you from many types of diseases. Guava is rich in nutrients like Vitamin C, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, copper, zinc, potassium, calcium etc. Guava is considered a panacea for the problems of constipation and diabetes. Not only this, it is also very beneficial for skin and hair.

Nutritional Value of Guava Juice:
Various fruits and fruit juices contain many nutrients. These should be consumed daily. Guava juice makes food tasty because it has more water content and less fat content compared to other fruits. It contains dietary fiber, vitamins and essential minerals.
1) The details of nutrients found in guava juice are as follows –
Nutrient content/100g
Energy 56 kcal
Carbohydrates 14 grams
Sugar 13 grams
Dietary fiber 0.5 grams
sodium 12 mg
Vitamin C 24.0 mg
Table 1: Nutrients found in guava juice per 100 grams.

. Possible Uses of Guava Juice for Blood Pressure
Guava juice can improve health by helping to control high blood pressure. A study conducted by Thaptimthong and others in 2016 found that guava juice reduced heart rate and high blood pressure. These effects of guava juice may be due to its nutrients such as vitamin C, fiber, potassium and other compounds. Thus, it can be said that guava juice can have a positive effect on the heart by reducing blood pressure.

1) However, this is not complete information and hence, we need to conduct more human studies to further know the benefits of guava juice on human health. And if your blood pressure remains high, consult your doctors for proper diagnosis and treatment.

2. Possible Uses of Guava Juice for Blood Pressure
 Guava juice can play an important role in reducing blood sugar. It may reduce insulin resistance in individuals with diabetes. An animal study (Cheng and Yang, 1982–83) found that the medicinal constituents of guava juice, such as flavonoids, quercetin, nutritional fiber pectin, urosolic acid, etc., controlled blood sugar levels and glucose in the body. Slowed down the exploitation. Therefore, people with diabetes mellitus can use guava juice to balance high sugar in the blood. However, this was observed based on animal studies, so it needs to be tested in humans to understand its extension to the human body. Therefore, talk to your doctor before using guava juice and take only the amount recommended by your doctor.

3. Possible uses of guava juice for weight loss
Guava is a good source of vitamins, proteins, minerals and dietary fiber (pectin), which can aid in the clearance of food and solid waste from the stomach. Apart from this, cholesterol and carbohydrates are not found in guava juice. Therefore, if you drink raw guava juice instead of other fruit juices, it can provide much less sugar. It probably helps in increasing the proper absorption of nutrients and regulating metabolism.1 Therefore, you can take guava juice as one of the weight loss measures. However, for this also you must consult your doctor.

4. Possible uses of guava juice
● Guava juice contains trace elements like copper, which can help control the production and absorption of thyroid hormones in the body.
● Guava juice may have fever reducing properties. Drinking guava juice can help in reducing dengue fever. If you take guava juice at least three times a day, it can reduce fever.2
● Vitamin C is found in guava juice. Scurvy is caused by vitamin C deficiency; Drinking adequate amounts of guava juice daily can help overcome vitamin C deficiency.1
● Guava juice is an excellent source of Vitamin A and beta-carotene. These nutrients are helpful in improving eyesight and vision. So, if you take guava juice regularly; So it can be useful for your eyes.1