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Strawberry :-Vitamin C and fiber are found in strawberries. It is considered beneficial for heart health. Its consumption also helps in reducing bad cholesterol. Eating this reduces the risk of heart disease
Powerful Food: Strawberry is considered the cure of diseases. It contains a wealth of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients beneficial for health. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has recently included this fruit in its list. According to experts, eating strawberries daily can cure many diseases. By including it in the diet, health can be improved. Let us know how special is strawberry for health, which diseases can be cured by it…
protect from cancer
Strawberries are rich in oxidants. Its consumption can eliminate free radicals and can prove helpful in eliminating deadly diseases like cancer. Therefore consuming it every day is considered beneficial.
control weight
Very little amount of calories are found in strawberries. Whereas the quantity of water is quite high. It helps in maintaining better digestion. This is a great fruit to control weight.
keep heart healthy
Vitamin C and fiber are found in strawberries. It is considered beneficial for heart health. Its consumption also helps in reducing bad cholesterol. Eating this reduces the risk of heart disease.
improve digestion
Strawberry is found to be a good source of fiber. Its consumption is considered a panacea for digestion. Strawberry can be helpful in relieving problems like constipation. Daily consumption is beneficial for the stomach.
stomach remains clean
The freshness and vitamin C of strawberries help in cleaning the stomach. Eating this fruit provides relief to the intestines. This is considered the best treatment for gas and acidity.
control diabetes
Eating strawberries daily keeps blood sugar level under control. The Vitamin C found in it works to maintain health. Strawberries also keep bones strong. Along with improving mental health, strawberry also improves skin damage and sexual health.